Well I had big hopes and big plans for my 2 week winter break. I managed to do almost none of them. I got busy, but what I mostly got was sick. I guess if one is to look on the bright side, I’d tell you how great it was to do nothing and to rest. Mostly true, actually. I read A LOT. I watch movies and had marathon viewing of the shows I hear people talk about, but never take the time to watch. Man oh man, the internet is great for this! I’m not bummed about not getting to all my plans. It’s way better to be easy going about TO DO Lists.
The one thing I did accomplish was to revamp the Smiley-A-Day emailer. I’m happy with the state it is in. I’ll probably keep tweaking little things as I get feedback from all of you. The new version went out today for the first time. As soon as I sent it I remembered I hadn’t added the links to all the follow buttons. Oh, well. It’s all fixed now. But if you guys find other snafus, be sure to shoot mean email (Same address you use for SMILEY uploads: uploads@SpontaneousSmiley.com).
The biggest change (besides visual changes) was that I took the What’s New in the World of Spontaneous Smiley out and replaced it with a button to this blog. I realized that I was writing a paragraph or 2 or 3 everyday which was only seen by email subscribers (subscribe here). Yep, there are a bunch, but the website gets way more traffic. It made sense to have to daily news in the Smiley Lady Blog. I’m very thankful for this epiphany (BTW, tomorrow is Epiphany Day. Check in tomorrow on the 6th to read one of my big epiphanies; you’ll quack up.)