July 4
Happy 4th!!
and Happy Birthday to
Leaves of Grass
And as to me,
I know nothing else
but miracles.
~ Walt Whitman
His collection of poetry
was published this day in 1855.
It’s Independence Day over on a calendar of a month full of Smiley Silliness, but I’m guessing you already knew that. But did you know that July 4th is also Be Invisible Day? I think that one has something to do with today’s also being the anniversary of the patent of the Xray tube in 1933.
Today we say happy birthday to Malia Obama (1998). It’s been a delight to watch her growing up. A fine young lady, yes.
It is also the birthday of Abigail Van Buren (1918), better known as Dear Abby. Of course it is also the birthday of her twin Ann.
Additionally, it’s Fry an Egg on the Sidewalk Day and Caesar Salad Day. It might just work here in my town–it’s bloody hot! A lunch of fried egg sandwich and a caesar salad sounds good to me! Especially since I get my eggs from a dear friend’s son so I know the chickens have led a happy life. If fact the last time I was at their house, there was a chicken snuggling on a sweater on the dining table.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.