August 16
Cock Eyed Optimist Day
I’m a big cock eyed optimist.
I try to accentuate the positive,
as opposed to the negative.
~ Betty White
It’s both Best Friends Day and Bucket List Day. I like the idea of achieving your bucket list goals with a friend. That’s kind of nice, isn’t it?
My good friend Daya Curley should love the other holiday I found for this day: Roller Coaster Day. Daya held the Guinness World Record was officially “Most Roller Coasters Ridden Within a 24 Hour Period” She achieved her bucket list with a bunch of friends!
It’s also both Bad Joke Day and Roll Your Eyes Day over on our AUGUST calendar of a month full of Smiley Silliness.. Coincidence? I don’t think so. And how about, can one roll their eyes if they’re cock eyed? Could be tricky. Here’s another Cock Eyed Smiley for you, on this Cock Eyed Optimist Day, found on a car door. This little guy wound up on a morphing video I made for Ellen DeGeneres. Watch it. It’s both silly and creepy, but in a good way! Please share it on Social Media, maybe then Ellen will actually end up Smiley fan!! She certainly likes bad jokes.
Madonna was born on this day in 1958. And same day, same year Angela Bassett (1958). Happy birthday to you both. One of these two women was once married to an actor whose birthday is tomorrow.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.