August 4
Chocolate Chip
Cookie Day
All you need is love.
But a little chocolate
now and then doesn’t hurt.
~ Charles Schultz
Remember it’s a truly happy week. It’s Smile Week! It’s probably no coincidence that Orgasm Day falls during this week. Orgasm and a cookie, a cookie with chocolate? Nirvana!
Check it out over on our AUGUST calendar of a month full of Smiley Silliness. It’s also the start of Elvis Week. The thought of listening to Elvis tunes all week MMS (Made Me Smile, it’s the new LOL).
A couple of great guys were born on this day. Our President Obama back in 1961, and in 1901 Louis Armstrong who sings one of my all time favorite songs (danced to it as our “first dance” at our wedding). Happy birthday , guys!
And as we settle into Hooray For Kids Day, I’ll think back to all the hours the kids and I spent playing backgammon together. Why? Because it’s also Backgammon Day.