September 20
Repair Burnt
Bridges Day
More people should apologize,
and more people should
accept apologies
when sincerely made.
~ Greg LeMond
In honor of Happy Friends Day, I invite you to reconnect with a friend you haven’t kept up with (particularly if you have a bridge that needs repair!). Don’t worry that it might feel awkward, old friends fall into happy old patterns when they reconnect as if no time has passed. And old friends forgive you for drifting just as you forgive them. I hooked up with an old friend yesterday and am so glad I did! (Yep, I knew ahead of time that today was going to be Happy Friends Day. Having a head full of goofy holidays is just one of the many perks of being the Smiley Lady).

Sourdough Smiley
Over on our September calendar of a month full of Smiley Silliness it’s Toast Day. There are millions of Smileys to be found in toast!
Additionally, it’s World Dance Like a Chicken Day. So if things are feeling awkward when you get together with your old friend, just jump up and start dancing like a chicken. The giggles will surly sweep away the awkward. And if you really want to get the giggles going, get a naked man to dance like a chicken. My darling husband, always willing to help out the Smiley Project, was there for me with that bit of research! Still laughing!
A note about dancing like a chicken: The first time I got to wear a body mike and had a solo song when performing in a musical, was one where I was a singing and dancing chicken! Ah, good old memory lane! It’s been years. There are some happy friends from that production of “Honk,” that I’m gonna look up!
The one and only Sophia Loren (1934) celebrates her birthday today. As the one and only, she’s the one and only I’ll post here!
Plus as is often the case, just for grins, you get a different Bridge Smiley in the Smiley-a-Day emailer.