September 29
Life is Full of
Open Doors Day
You can do anything
you think you can.
This knowledge can solve
every human problem.
It should make of you
an incurable optimist.
It is the open door.
~ Robert Collier
Today’s Smiley is a a door plate I found in Hawaii on our honeymoon.
It’s Good Mother Day Good old mom. Why don’t you give her a call?! Bet she’d love to chat. Chat about anything. Moms are like that. BTW, feel free to forward this to my kids!
Today also celebrates the yummy blackberry and just in time for one last trip to the blackberry bushes. Remember to dress in black; there is nothing for making a stain quite like blackberry juice!
And maybe best of all, it’s Broadway Musical Day! Gosh how I love broadway musicals. In my heart and in my car I have played every role in every show. The boys’ roles and the girls’ roles, the leads’ songs and the ensemble’s songs. There really is nothing quite so fun as belting out a show tune!
I almost forgot, happy Goose Day! I have no idea how one celebrates Goose Day . . . the only thing I can think of is to goose somebody. So that’s my plan. You’ve been warned.
Today’s Smiley is the door plate in the door way into a hotel where we stopped for iced coffee one day in good old Hawaii! I loved it that day. It was one of those times when something craved and then gotten, lived up to the desire. I love it when that happens.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.
Plus as is often the case, just for grins, you get a different Door Smiley in the Smiley-a-Day emailer.