October 11
Splash in Puddles Day
The world is mud-licious
and puddle wonderful!
E.E. Cummings
Splash in puddles? That would require some rain. Fingers crossed that California will get some rain soon!!
It’s also Turn Off Your Cell Phone Day to which I say: Don’t talk to your cell phone. Talk to your kid! Your life may be busy, but never forget “your busy life IS their childhood”(this was my mantra when my kids were little. It helped me remember they were the most important thing on my TO DO list. Read the Blog Post. BTW, I just stumbled on an alternate name for this holiday: Hide your _____’s Cell Phone Day.
Over on the October calendar of a month full of Smiley Silliness it’s Pizza Day. That’s an easy one. Any day where you get to eat pizza is a good day! Last week was Beer Week you’d have thought they would coincide. You can use your phone to call for pizza delivery!
Who’s lucky enough to have their birthday sync with Pizza Day: Eleanor Roosevelt (1884), Daryl Hall (1948), John Cusack (1962), and Luke Perry (1966). I would love to have dined with Eleanor Roosevelt! I’d have brought my mom and grandma along.
Today is once again, Kick Butt Day. We just celebrated that on the 8th. But since kickin’ butt (metaphorically) is a great idea, being reminded to do so twice in a month is AOK with me.
On a more serious note, it’s Coming Out Day. I hope the day will come when ‘coming out’ will be unnecessary. When we all can simply love people just the way they were born and don’t ask anyone to be secretive about the facts of who they are. How scary to have to decide when it is right to divulge your true self. How scary to fear that some will reject you for being your honest self. Someday ‘coming out’ will be seen as a barbaric practice we are glad to be beyond.
Now back to silly and lighthearted: To get the Smiley of the Day delivered to your email inbox, just subscribe! I promise to never give your info away, to do that I’d have to know how.