October 15
Embrace Your
Cowlick Day
No cowlick quotes.
Amazing, but true.
So here you go with a cow riddle:
Q: What has four legs and goes, “Oom! Oom!”?
A: A cow walking backwards!
And a cow joke:
Camper: Look at that bunch of cows.
Farmer: Not bunch, herd.
Camper: Heard what?
Farmer: Of cows.
Camper: Sure I’ve heard of cows.
It’s also Thank a Fire Fighter Day over on the OCTOBER calendar of a month full of Smiley Silliness. The ones in my town are all so dang cute, you have to wonder if it’s a requirement. They host a yearly pancake breakfast. I’m the only adult that comes without a kid. No, I don’t go to ogle the fire fighters. I go to take pictures of their trucks.
It is also I love Lucy Day even though it is not Lucy’s birthday (8/6/1911) or death day (4/26/89) OR the anniversary of the debut of the show (6/15/1951) or the airing of the final episode (4/1/60). Anybody know why it’s I Love Lucy Day?
People who do have a birthday today are Tito Jackson (1953), Emeril Lagasse (1959), Keyshia Cole (1981), Penny Marshall (1943), and Paige Davis (1969).
It is both Grouch Day and Boss Day. Here’s to hoping that is two different things in your life. A grouchy boss is the worst!
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.
Plus as is often the case, just for grins, you get a different Cowlick Smiley in the Smiley-a-Day emailer. Not even kidding! I really do have another Cowlick Smiley!