November 2
Daniel Boone Day
Felicity, the companion of content,
is rather found in our own breasts
than in the enjoyment of external things;
and I firmly believe it requires
but a little philosophy
to make a man happy in whatever state he is.
~ Daniel Boone,
born this day 1734.
Tree Trunk Smileys seems appropriate for Daniel Boone Day.
As is often the case, the Tree Trunk Smiley you get in the Smiley-a-Day emailer is different from what you see here.
It’s also Cookie Monster’s birthday. There’s a guy that knows how to pursue happiness (it’s Pursuit of Happiness Week)! I for one love this cookie munching monster. Phooey to the people who want Cookie Monster to eat some broccoli. Don’t get me wrong. I love broccoli and think eating veggies is a great idea and that eating too many cookies is bad. But, please! A kiddie character who has an exuberant response to a yummy cookie, is not harmful. Exuberance should be encouraged. Period!
Another birthday to celebrate today is David Schwimmer’s (1966) of Friends the TV show fame. I rewatched an episode recently (thank you YouTube) and although it did seem a little dated, it’s also still was a sweet depiction of people supporting each other with kindness and humor.
It’s also Look for Circles Day. May I suggest, looking for circles with . . . smiling faces?! And just for good measure, remember cookies are often shaped like circles.
In honor of World Farm Animal Day, might you make this a meat-less day? Better yet, see what you can do to encourage law makers to pass laws to protect the sweet things!
To get the Smiley of the Day delivered to your email inbox, just subscribe! I promise to never give your info away, to do that I’d have to know how.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.