November 16
Playground Day
The true object
of all human life
is play.
~ Gilbert K. Chesterton
Having a hard time finding a Smiley?
Get yourself to a Playground.
They’re everywhere!
See a different Playground Smiley
in today’s Smiley-a-Day emailer.
Find both in
the beginning of Share Family Stories Week. Share them before they are forgotten. My big brother has spent the last year interviewing my mom on video. We get to see the edited movie on Thanksgiving Day. Can’t wait!
Additionally, it’s both Button Day and Fast Food Day. I love buttons. I have huge collections and plans to make a mosaic using just buttons. Maybe I’ll do it this year over the winter break. Fast Food, on the other hand, I’m not keen on. Well, at least not what one traditionally thinks of as fast food. Real fast food (a carrot, some juice, a pickle, a tangerine, humus), that stuff I love!
Over on a month full of Smiley Silliness it’s Blue Bird of Happiness Day. I found a Smiley Parakeet, at a pet supply store my daughter and I went to to get a mouse to feed to her snake (“please pick one that’s not too cute,” she says). My little Hillary, all grown up, was always an animal lover. As an adult she has cats, birds, rats, a snake, fish, lizards, and turtles. And they all have great lives (OK not the mice).
Today is also Tolerance Day. I’m lobbying to change that to Acceptance Day. Quite frankly, I do not want to be merely tollerated (By definition that is a superior being magnanimously putting up with an inferior).
Today we say happy birthday to Lisa Bonet (1967).
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.