December 21
Oil and Vinegar Day
To make a good salad
is to be a brilliant diplomat–
the problem is entirely the same.
In both cases, to know exactly
how much oil one must put
with one’s vinegar.
~ Oscar Wilde
It’s also Look on the Bright Side Day. I think we ought to rename it to Make Every Day a Brighter Day.
Another good one for today is Crossword Puzzle Day. I’m a real puzzler. Love puzzles. Mostly number and logic puzzles, but I’ve recently given crosswords a try. What got me to take the plunge? I asked a crossword loving friend if she ever did number puzzles. Her response, “No, because I like to learn something from a puzzle.” Before I’d always been dismissive of crosswords, as no more than trivia tests. It hadn’t really occurred to me that one gained knowledge by doing them. I still plan to convince my friend, not to be dismissive of number puzzles. I would assert that I have a deeper understanding of numbers and mathematical patterns than someone who doesn’t play with numbers as I do.
Oh and, happy Winter Solstice. I used to have an east facing window where I placed rocks Stonehenge-style along the window sill, so that four times a year I could see the sun rise between 2 perfectly placed rocks for the solstices and the equinoxes. I do miss watching the progress of the sunrises through that window.
Birthday, birthday, who has a birthday? Well there’s Samuel L. Jackson (1948), Steven Yeun (1983), Kiefer Sutherland (1966), Ray Ramano (1957), Jane Fonda (1937), Frank Zappa (1940), and Phil Donahue (1935). Phew, that’s more than I usually recognize.
It is World Peace Day over on a month full of Smiley Silliness where all the Smileys and holidays are different than the ones you see in the Daily Smiley. BTW, It’s World Peace Day again tomorrow.
Plus, as is often the case, the Oil and Vinegar Smiley you get in the Smiley-a-Day emailer is different from what you see here.