January 16
Do Nothing Day
I got nothing picture-wise
to share with you about…
well nothing. But in honor of
Hot and Spicy Food Day
(on a month full of Smiley Silliness)
here’s a quote about spicy foods
and a Pepper Smiley.
I’ll eat anything spicy.
A little extra kick
is always a good thing!
~ Kelli Berglund
Today we also celebrate the Fig Newton. My dear sweet hubby’s favorite sweet cookie. The perfect dessert after all the hot and spicy food you had for dinner.
Additionally, it is Appreciate a Dragon Day. I had a favorite song when I was a little kid about a magic dragon. I even named my first cat after this dragon. This holiday just made me think of it for the first time in ages. I am thankful for the memory and the smile it put on my face.
Happy birthday to, Ethel Merman (1909). What a voice! What a character!! Other b-days include Sade (1959), Debbie Allen (1950), Ronnie Milsap (1943), and Kate Moss (1974). Hey, Kate, did you celebrate Moss Day yesterday?
Plus, as is often the case, the Pepper Smileys you get in the Smiley-a-Day emailer and on the one on the monthly Smiley calendar are both different from what you see here.