January 14
Potato chips are like cats;
you can never have just one.
I grew up in a house that never, ever, had potato chips. To this day I think of them as naughty, and so I enjoy them as a naughty pleasure. Now tell the truth. Indulging in a naughty pleasure is really quite fun!
Cats on the other hand I think of as one of life’s necessities! Cats are right up there with kids chocolate, avocados, and peanut butter on my top ten list!
Over on a month full of Smiley Silliness it’s Dreams Come True Day. Here’s a favorite line from a favorite song. It’s a line I’ve sung to my kids, to my friends and to myself many, many times. “You’ve got to have a dream. If you don’t have a dream, how you gonna have a dream come true?”
Back when they were little, my kids loved another holiday that falls on this day. It’s Dress Up Your Pets Day. When the kids were little and we had lots of rabbits. Hillary would dress them in doll clothes. One time she and Darren made scenic backdrops to represent the 12 months then photographed the rabbits in holiday appropriate costumes to make a calendar. BTW, we also had lots of cats, but nobody’s crazy enough to try dressing a cat.
Happy birthday to, I don’t know . . . If you know someone having a birthday today, give them a big hug. And what the heck, hug someone not having a birthday today. Couldn’t hurt.
Actual birthday celebrants are LL Cool J (1968), Jason Bateman (1969), Faye Dunaway (1941), and Andy Rooney (1919).
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.
Plus, as is often the case, the Potato Smiley you get in the Smiley-a-Day emailer is different from what you see here.