January 17
Umbrella Day
Never carry an umbrella.
Prepare to walk
in eternal sunshine.
~ Alfred E. Smith
It’s Share a Park Bench Day over on a month full of Smiley Silliness I particularly like this idea. Talking to strangers is such a lovely way to make friends. And perhaps there will be a patio umbrella over that bench.
It is also Abandon Your Resolutions Day. If yours were all about how bad you are and what you need to change, throw those suckers out. Make resolutions that start out with I will. And let them all be about kind and loving things you will do for yourself and others.
Happy birthday to Michelle Obama (1964) and Popeye (1929), a couple of tough, strong, do-gooders. My mom was born the same year as Popeye was introduced. Come to think of it, my mom’s a pretty tough character, too! Then there’s Betty White (1922), Muhammad Ali (1942), Ben Franklin (1706), Steve Harvey (1957), Andy Kaufman (1949), Ertha Kitt (1927), Vidal Sassoon (1928), and Sheri Lewis (1933). January 17 is shaping up to be a blockbuster day. Imagine a birthday party for all of these peeps–Fun!
Check which birthday boy gets the morphing treatment in this video. Yep, I’m having fun (which is NOT synonymous with wasting time) with software.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.