These wise words were spoken by my dear daughter Hillary, then 3 and a half, in retort to being scolded by a woman in the park for making conversation.
“Little girl, you must never
talk to strangers.”
“But, talking to strangers
is my hobby.”
Just so you know, and so I’m not nominated for some kind of Bad Mommy Award, Hillary was with me and the other woman was with her kids. We were all together on the climbing structure. Hillary was simply reaching out and engaging with people because being friendly and gregarious really was/still is her hobby.
So you might wonder: How’s this working for you, Ruth? Actually, very well. As I go through the day I am repeatedly greeted by people who used to be strangers. It’s a very happy existence to walk along the streets of my town, from the Bank to the Post Office, past the construction site to the grocery; all along the way I am stopped half a dozen times to hear what’s new in the lives of all these new friends. Often they tell me of Spontaneous Smileys they’ve seen.*
Talking to strangers, when it is clear that it is safe, is a wonderful way to spread joy in the world.
I am sadden by how much people have decided to shut down and draw within, every time they leave the protection of their home or office or car. It’s as if it’s become SOP to go through the world in a coat of armor with a sign proclaiming, STAY BACK.
My sign says: OMG I love those earrings; they are so perfect with your eyes!
Smile. Be happy!
Make eye contact and say HELLO!
* For every 1000 Smileys I am told about, only a couple make it to the website. I don’t know what to do to motivate people to snap the picture!! Any ideas?
But, talking to strangers is my hobby, PART 2
I Love talking to Strangers