January 19
Take a Cowboy
to Lunch Day
Cowboy riddle:
Q: What advice do cows give?
A: Turn the udder cheek
and moooooove on.
Happy birthday to cow girl Dolly Parton (1947). I love her Imagination Library improving educational opportunities for children. Check it out. And you go, Dolly!
Dolly should like this one; it’s also Sing It Out Day. I am a big believer in the therapeutic power of singing (and dancing). Feeling blue? Even if it doesn’t feel natural, what with how you’re feeling, try singing a happy song or 2 or 20. It really does work.
Let’s see who else will be hearing people singing out the birthday song today. There’s Janis Joplin (1943), Jean Stapleton (1923), Edgar Allan Poe (1809), Shawn Wayans (1971), Tippi Hedren (1930), Katey Segal (1954), and Paul Cezanne (1839). Technically, no one will sing for the dead guys on the list, but you get my drift.
Share some Popcorn and you might just Make a New Friend. Do it and you’ve celebrate two more holidays associated with today. Just typing the word popcorn is making me think tonight might be a good one for a movie date! Oh, Dave???
Over on a month full of Smiley Silliness it’s Cheese Grater Day. What could be greater?!
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.