January 22
Vines Day
We ought to do good to others
as simply as a horse runs,
or a bee makes honey,
or a vine bears grapes
season after season
without thinking
of the grapes it has borne.
~ Marcus Aurelius
Over on a month full of Smiley Silliness it’s the start of It’s OK to be Different Week. Different this week, next week, every week.
It’s also Answer Your Cats’ Questions Day (Having 4 cats, the apostrophe comes after the s. But if you have only one cat, then it’s Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day. As the Apostrophe Lady I do like getting that right.).
Happy birthday to John Belushi (1949). I remember the sad day you died; you were too, too young. Another fellow not with us, Sam Cooke (1931) sure could sing! Also celebrating today (since they are still living) John Hurt (1940), Guy Fieri (1968), and Linda Blair (1959).
It is also Polka Dots Day. LOVE polka dots!! Here I am wearing polka dots on my wedding day. This is Dave and I getting married legally. We’d previously gotten married (the one we consider our true wedding, the wedding that took place midspan of the Golden Gate Bridge) without the benefit of the legal papers as we awaited the striking down of Prop 8.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.