January 29
Balloon Day
Nobody can be uncheered
with a balloon.
~ Winnie the Pooh
Today’s Balloons Smiley is featured on the pink pages of my A Smiley Book of Colors, a child’s book of optimism.
Over on a month full of Smiley Silliness it’s Chocolate Cake Day. Yum!! It was just Chocolate Cake Day on the 27th! Yeah, chocolate cake does deserve a second look, and a second serving!
Care to see a Chocolate Cake in a morphing video? Here it is. I laugh every time I look at this. BTW, I almost got arrested getting the smiling cake’s photo.
Today we say happy birthday to one of my favorite people, Oprah Winfrey!! She was kind enough to write a blog about Spontaneous Smiley on Oprah.com. I also got to have lunch with Oprah in LA in 2012. She was exactly like you’d hope she’d be–friendly, quick to laugh, attentive listener, and without a pretentious or self important attitude. I even got her to do a jumping photo with me!
I lunched with her again (2014) when she was in San Jose for the Life you Want Tour. She didn’t hesitate for even a second over my request to do another jumping picture!
Other birthdays include Harriet Tubman (1820), Tom Seleck (1945), Sarah Gilbert (1975), Charlie Wilson (1953), Tommy Ramone (1949), and W.C. Fields (1880).
It is also Corn Chip Day. I could eat chips and salsa every day for a year and still want more! Stuck on a deserted island with only one genre of food, I’d pick Mexican. Only one band’s music, I’d pick The Beatles (But if I got a whole musical genre, it’d have to be R&B). Only one book, I’d pick The Little Prince. How about you?
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.