January 9
Sconce Day
And you,
Light up my life.
You give me hope,
To carry on.
You light up my days.
And fill my nights,
With song.
~ written by Joe Brooks
performed by Debbie Boone, 1977
This was a BIG hit
when I was a freshman in college
–yes, I am that old.
Another big hit released the same year was Don’t it Make My Brown Eyes Blue, recorded by birthday girl Crystal Gayle, born this day in 1951.
Other birthdays celebrated today include Princess Kate Middleton (1982), Lauryn McClain (1997), Jimmy Page (1944), Dave Matthews (1967), Bob Denver (aka Gilligan 1935), and the amazing Joan Baez (1941).
Over on a month full of Smiley Silliness it’s Penguin Day. They sure are some pretty cute creatures. I love how they take turns being in the center of the huddle where it is warmest. How kind. And then there’s all that cute swimming and diving and rolling and frolicking they do. Cute, cute, cute–but I hear they’re very stinky. My brother went on an expedition to theSouth Pole and had to hold his nose!
I had a chance to spend a lot of time watching the penguins swimming when led a Smiley Hunt and did a presentation about the Science Behind Smiling at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. Yikes, that was already 3 years ago! Time flies when you’re having fun, make that having fun AND smiling!
Talk about time flying–today’s Sconce Smiley was capture on a wall in a hotel where my youngest (an actor & director) was auditioning for a college she might want to attend. I snapped that Smiley way back in 2008 when she was still a high school senior. She graduated from college nearly 5 years ago! Oy vey, am I getting old.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.