February 5
Hank Aaron Day
My motto was
always to keep swinging.
Whether I was in a slump
or feeling badly
or having trouble off the field,
the only thing to do
was keep swinging.
~ Hank Aaron
It’s Hank Aaron Day because it is his birthday (1934). I’d list all of his amazing record breaking feats, but it’d take way too long! He was one amazing ball player!
Here’s one more Hank Aaron, quote just because I like it too much not to share it!: “Failure is part of success.”
If you can’t figure out today’s photo, cock your head to the right as the photo is presented sideways to show off the Smiley. It’s a kid wearing a tie dyed shirt. The baseballs are the eyes.
Did you know there’s always a different Smiley and associated silliness on the Month of Smiley Silliness Calendar. On the calendar today it’s the start of Flirting Week. A little flirting, whether you’re the flirter or the flirtee, is always fun. But be safe, just first with people you know.
Today we also tip our hats to Bubble Gum, Pancakes, Nutella, the folks who report the Weather. My buddy Paolo Presta and the oh so funny Kristina Kuzmic are crazy for Nutella! Paolo has THE best online talk show! BTW, it’s going to be Pancake Day again on 2/12.
What I always say is: Every day is a great big experiment. Collect data from all sources. Recognize that the screw ups, we all make, provide valuable data for our next attempt! If failures are just data, you can congratulate yourself for learning what not to do instead of beating yourself up. And speaking of data, didn’t you just love Data on Star Trek.
Plus, as is often the case, the Baseball Smiley you get in the Smiley-a-Day emailer is different from what you see here.