March 19
Caramel Day
Sometimes I think that
the one thing I love most
about being an adult
is the right to buy candy
whenever and wherever I want.
~ Ryan Gosling
It’s also Splash in Puddles Day. As the very wise Calvin (of Calvin and Hobbs) said about a good splash in the puddles, “My underwear’s all soaked. Now it’s gonna itch and ride up my rear all afternoon. Well, it was worth it!” see the full Sunday comic here.
Over on a Month of Smiley Silliness it’s the start of Bubble Blowing Week. Bubbles are such an easy way to bring a smile.
Today birthday wishes go out to Glenn Close (1947) and Bruce Willis (1955). Here’s how dopey I am (how easily I slip into ego). I type their birthdays and have a little smile thinking I am younger than both of them. Silly me. Silly vanity. Silly ego. I can’t decide which of these two actors I’d rather dine with. I’ll just flip a coin.
Today is the day the swallows return to Capistrano. Amazing, isn’t it?! Bird behavior fills me with both curiosity and awe.
Speaking of birds, in honor of Poultry Day, the largest ever omelet was made this day in 1994. Can you guess how many eggs were used? 160,000!! Maybe I should have put an Egg Smiley to illustrate this anniversary–but the truth is Bird Poop Smiley makes me laugh every time.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.