April 16
Artichoke Day
A woman is like
an artichoke,
you must work hard
to get to her heart.
~ Inspector Jacques Clouseau
in The Pink Panther (2006)
Eat an artichoke (I’m cooking some now as I type this) and remember to smack your lips about its* tasty goodness for Lip Appreciation Day.
Love that it is Everything That You Do is Right Day. Kind of too bad that didn’t fall on yesterday, what with it being tax day and no one liking to be wrong in that regard!
It’s High Five Day. I definitely did the whole High Five thing yesterday when my taxes zoomed through the ether to the good old IRS. I am thankful for roads and teachers and firefighters and libraries and healthcare and parks…I could go on and on about why paying my taxes feels like a reason to be proud and filled with gratitude!!
Speaking of High Fives, I have a friend who when I try to do a high five with him, he’ll make a fist with his thumb pointing back at himself, to meet my palm, so our two hands form a turkey. Then he says, “Turkey” and laughs at his own joke. I just love him for cracking himself up with such a dumb joke! And that his thumb seems to be pointing to himself as the turkey.
It’s Eggs Benedict Day. Maybe birthday boy Flavor Flav (1959) would enjoy going out to breakfast. I don’t know much about him but what I know, I like! That goofy gigantic clock he wears around his neck cracks me up. He just seems to be one happy, goofy guy living in the moment and not afraid of looking/being silly. Another goofball shares this birthday with the Flav. It’s Jerry Lewis (1926).
Over at a Month of Smiley Silliness we begin National Parks Week. Big thanks to Teddy Roosevelt. He’s the one who created the National Park system. I hope some of you are lucky enough to get out to a park this week.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here.
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
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* Word Geeks, don’t you just love exceptions to rules? Its (meaning belonging to it) is the only time one does not use an apostrophe to indicate possession even though it’s a possessive (Like how I slip it’s (with an apostrophe to indicate a contraction) into the last sentence?!).