April 11
Hard Boiled Egg Day
I’m youth, I’m joy,
I’m a little bird that has
broken out of the egg.
~ James Barrie.
Over on a Month of Smiley Silliness it’s Adopt a Pet from a Rescue Shelter Day. I ‘m a big, big proponent of adopting instead of shopping for a pet. Just believe me–you don’t want to know the horrors being hidden in the pet breeding world.
Today we say happy birthday to Joel Grey (1932). Loved him in everything he did! I had the pleasure of seeing him at a taping of The Rosie O’Donnell Show. Big thrill for this Broadway loving girl! My kid Darren had just recently played the role of the Emcee in Cabaret, making it just that much more exciting!
If you happen to see 4 guys in striped vests harmonizing as they stroll along, tip your hat (your straw hat) and wish them a happy Barber Shop Quartet Day. Not a lot of these quartets around these days, but there is one current group performing that is just fabulous, the Mighty Echoes. The good looking one is a childhood friend. I’ll leave it up to you to guess which one I mean.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here.
Plus as is often the case, the Egg Smiley you get in today’s daily emailer is different from the one you see here.