April 2
P.B. & J. Day
Man cannot live
by bread alone;
he must have
peanut butter.
~ James Garfield
BTW, you get a different Peanut Butter Smiley in the daily emailer.
It is also Reconciliation Day. The dictionary defines it as: the restoration of friendly relations. Take a minute or two to think if there’s someone out there with whom you could restore friendly relations. Ditch the old hurts and start over. I bet you’ll be glad you did (even if your palms were sweaty and your heart was pounding to beat the band!). Maybe get to that meet up on a bus for Bus Day.
It’s also Children’s Book Day. Hmmm, can I think of a children’s book to recommend? Oh, yeah! Mine! A SMILEY BOOK OF COLORS, a child’s book of optimism.
Today we say happy birthday to Marvin Gaye (1939). What a voice. What a catalog of amazing songs! Marvin, I will always dream of being your Tammi. Other people eating cake tonight are Emmylou Harris (1947), Hans Christian Andersen (1850), and Leon Russell (1942). man would that make for a great dinner party!
Here’s something you don’t know about the Smiley Lady and may find hard to believe, I’m allergic to cats. I once said to Dave the husband, that’s I’d give up peanut butter, chocolate, and avocados–even salt, if I could just not be allergic to cats. That was about 3 years ago and ever since I have slowly gotten less and less allergic. I’ve probably just gotten desensitized, what with living with 4. But I like to think Bastet, The God of Cats, intervened.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley. There we start Laugh at Work Week.
Plus, as is often the case, the Peanut Butter Smiley you get in the Smiley-a-Day emailer is different from what you see here.