April 26
Macaroni Lovers Day
Life is too short.
I’d much rather eat pasta
and drink wine
than be a size O.
~ Sophia Bush
Just for grins, you get a different Pasta Smiley in the daily emailer and a different one yet on the monthly calendar.
Today we send birthday wishes to Carol Burnett (1933). I remember watching the Carol Burnett Show with my family growing up, always good for a belly laugh. BTW, a belly laugh burns 10 calories. Learn all kinds of silly facts about smiling in my presentation for the California Academy of Sciences.
It’s also the birthday of the Ironing Board (1892), the Richter Scale (1935), and the Life Raft (1881). No Earthquake Smiley or Life Raft Smiley, but I do have this little cutie I found on the under side of my ironing board. It occurs to me, these three inventions are all for disasters–yes I consider the need to iron, a disaster.
As April comes to an end, remember to celebrate by dancing. It’s Dance Week, what a lovely thought. To dance all day, every day for a week! There’s nothing quite so quick to lift your spirits as dancing.
For Hug an Australian Day today I’ll be sending a virtual hug to my Aussie pal Stephen Dimmick. He’s a big shot makeup artist and so so so so so much fun!
And just because I’m so wacko in love with cats, here’s an Australian Skateboard Riding Cat that I’d like to hug.
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