April 4
Cello Day
When I started learning the cello,
I fell in love with the instrument
because it seemed like a voice –
my voice.
~ Mstislav Rostrovich
Today we say happy birthday to a favorite author, born in 1928. I first remember being touched by Maya Angelou‘s writing as a preteen. Her words made me feel like a grown up. Her words invited me to think about living my life knowing I make it what it is. I wish I’d gone to hear her speak, before it was too late.
Other birthdays? We send smiley birthday wishes for Robert Downey Jr (1965), Heath Ledger (1979), and Muddy Waters (1915).

Umbrella Smileys, the twins,
It’s also Sun Umbrella Day over on a Month of Smiley Silliness. Sun loving gal that I am, I leave all those shaded chairs under the umbrellas for anyone who wants them.
It’s Go Forth and Do Something Day. Something fun. Something kind. Something that matters!
And finally, happy Rat Day! No eye rolling! Rats are cool little animals.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.