April 9
S.P.C.A. Day
Until one has loved
an animal,
a part of one’s soul
remains unawakened.
~ Anatole France
Can you guess where and in what year the first S.P.C.A. was established?
It is also Be Kind to Lawyers Day. Want to hear something funny? I thought I’d look for a kind lawyer joke to put here. Sorry, they just don’t make ’em that way! Maybe a joke where I replace the word kitten with the word lawyer:
Q: Did you hear about the kitten who swallowed a ball of yarn?
A: She gave birth to mittens. . . . . Ok, didn’t work.
Today is the anniversary of the National Geographic Geography Bee. Back in 5th grade my youngest, my sweet Darren, won the school wide competition and went on to the city wide event. Blew my mind. Blew his, too.
Today is Equal Pay Day. I just can not see how anyone, I mean anyone, could be against this!!!
It’s also Antiques Day. I bet there are Smileys to be found in old carved chairs.
And in honor of S.P.C.A. Day, here’s a picture of my sweet Mr. Noodle. He’s not long for this world so I wanted to be sure he got his 15 minutes of fame! He loves to sit on Dave the husband’s shoulders.
Over on Month of Smiley Silliness. you’ll see lots of different Smiley pics and different quotes and different holidays. It’s worth a click! There we celebrate the start of Karaoke Week— the most fun you can have while looking uncool. I have a very fond memory of a night of karaoke.