May 16
Love a Tree Day
A tree is known by its fruit;
a man by his deeds.
A good deed is never lost;
he who sows courtesy
reaps friendship,
and he who plants kindness
gathers love.
~ Saint Basil
And speaking of “a tree is known by its fruit” here’s a card for parents to give to their child. I made it for Mother’s Day, but awe heck, it’s still good for any day.
Today is also Wear Purple For Peace Day. Purple shoes count, right? And who can type purple without thinking about Prince’s recent departure.
This day in 1975, the first woman to conquer Everest reach the summit! Way to go Alison Hargraves! You couldn’t get me there if you paid me. It’s May here in California and I’m wearing a coat, while I’m inside!
Today we say happy birthday to Janet Jackson (1966), Henry Fonda (1905), and Liberace (1919). Now that’d be a fun fantasy dinner party!
Plus, as is often the case, the Tree Smiley you get in the Smiley-a-Day emailer and on the monthly calendar are different from what you see here.