May 25
Caffeine Day
What makes
creative people tingle
are interesting problems,
the chance to impress their friends,
and caffeine.
~ Alex Steffen
Too bad Fred Astaire wasn’t born today which just happens to be Tap Dance Day. Go figure! Kind of makes you wonder about who’s making up all these goofy holidays! Couldn’t Tap Dance Day have fallen on May 10th for Fred?
Let’s see…but nope, neither of today’s birthday boys are hoofers. But best wishes anyway to Mike Meyers (1963) and Ian McKellen (1939).
Then there’s Cookie Monster‘s Birthday. He’s been jamming cookies in his mouth since this day in 1966. That’s for 50 years! Funny, Cookie Monster wasn’t born on May 15th; that was Chocolate Chip Cookie Day!
Babe Ruth hit his final homer, number 714, on this day in (1935). I’ve been called Baby Ruth my whole life, so I’ve long been enamored with Babe Ruth. Plus I love baseball. You may have noticed the only sports figures whose birthdays are noted here on the Smiley-a-Day are baseball peeps.
Check out all the different Smileys, holidays and quotes over on a Month of Smiley Silliness. There we mark Manhole Day also known as Sewer Workers’ Day.
And as is often the case, the Smiley you get in the daily emailer is different than the one you see here.