May 26
Appreciation Day
I love it so much,
I could have
sexual chemistry,
with vinegar.
~ Jessica Alba
Today is also Lenny Kravitz’s birthday, born this day in 1964. He’s a wise man who once said, “We weren’t put here to be miserable. We were put here to do the best we can and we should use our energy to improve our state of being.”
Three more birthday boys for today are Bobcat Goldwait (1962), Miles Davis (1926) and Hank Williams (1949). Now these 4 guys would make for an interesting dinner party! Our dessert would need to be a Blueberry Cheesecake as it is the honored food of the day.
Go check out a month of Smiley Silliness where you’ll find a whole month of Smileys and weird holidays. There it’s Lighten Your Load Day. I had to use a Light Smiley as that was the closest thing I could come up with.
It is also Don’t Get Fried Day, brought to you no doubt by the sunscreen makers of the world. Did you know skin cancer rates have gone up dramatically since the introduction of sunscreen. It gives people a false belief that they can be in the sun without fear. Remember the best sunscreen is shade. Also I try not to rub chemicals all over my porous skin! If you’ll excuse me, I will now get off of my soapbox.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.