June 29
Camera Day
The heart and mind
are the true lens
of the camera.
~ Yousuf Karsh
Today is also Waffle Day. Here’s a twist on the old round waffle. The other great thing to do with a waffle iron is to think of it as a cooker of any old thing. I’ve made grilled cheese sandwiches and hash browns–oooo so crispy. And for dessert there’s nothing quite so yummy as hot from the waffle iron brownies with vanilla ice cream!
It is also Roast a Marshmallow Day…however, I’m thinking those’d be a big mess if you tried to use the waffle iron to roast them. Over on our calendar of a month full of Smiley Silliness you can see the proper way to roast a marshmallow.
Here’s one we should celebrate everyday: It’s Hug Day!! I am on it!!
Today we say happy birthday to Evelyn Champagne King (1960), one of the queens of the disco era. If you don’t know her, it’s a SHAME!
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.