June 10
Iced Tea Day
Never trust a person,
who, when left alone
with a tea cosey…
Doesn’t try it on.
~ Billy Connolly
Today’s quote reminds me of this post in the Silly Smiley Stuff Blog. It is one of those fundamental truths. We all do kid-like stuff.
It’s also Pasta Day. Wait, shouldn’t that have been with last week’s Marinara Monday (first Monday in June). Over on a month of Smiley Silliness you can check out Tortelinni Smiley.
And just because Somewhere Over the Rainbow is such a great song and today is Judy Garland’s birthday (1922), how about we all sing along and have a happy thought about watching The Wizard of Oz. When I was a kid it was shown on TV once a year and nearly everyone in America watched. I loved imagining that my entire country was watching along with me and my family. I remember hiding behind the couch during the scariest moment (when the wicked witch wrote SURRENDER DOROTHY in the sky) and wondering if there were other kids hiding behind their couches.
Other birthdays falling on the 10th of June include Sasha Obama (2001), Hattie McDaniels (1895), and Maurice Sendak (1928).
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.