September 1
Toy Test Day
The simplest toy,
one which even the
youngest child can operate,
is called a grandparent.
~ Sam Levenson
On this day in 1956, Elvis bought his mom a Cadillac and thus the holiday Pink Cadillac Day was born. But do you know the birthday of the Cadillac?
Another birthday for today, of an inanimate object is, Mary Had a Little Lamb, published this day in 1830.
On the human front, there are oodles of birthdays today. Here you go: Estee Lauder (1908), Box Car Willie (1931), Conway Twitty (1933), Lily Tomlin (1939), Barry Gibbs (1946), Dr. Phil (1950), and Gloria Estefan (1957).
Additionally, I’m betting that all the hummingbirds celebrating Hummingbird Day today will NOT be celebrating today’s other holiday, Leaf Blower Day. Only hummingbirds hate leaf blowers more than I! Such noisy intrusion into an otherwise peaceful day. What will we celebrate next? Root Canal Pain Day? The joy of poison oak? I actually can imagine that last one–nothing is so satisfying as scratching.
Today is also the first day of International Be Enthusiastic Week over on our SEPTEMBER calendar of a month full of Smiley Silliness where all the Smiley pictures and holidays are different than the ones you see here on the website’s Smiley-a-Day.
Plus as is often the case, just for grins, you get a different Toy Smiley in the Smiley-a-Day emailer.