June 1
Walk Barefoot
on the Grass Day
The moment one gives close attention
to any thing, even a blade of grass
it becomes a mysterious, awesome,
indescribably magnificent world in itself.
~ Henry Miller
It’s also Say Something Nice Day. That should be easy! If it isn’t, why isn’t it? Try it. It’ll make you feel good, surprisingly good!
Go check out a month of Smiley Silliness where you’ll find a whole month of Smileys and weird holidays. Today is the start of Cat Month and World Naked Bike Riding Month. I’m on task with the former and plan to skip the latter.
Also on this month’s calendar we are celebrating Potty Training Day. Day? Shouldn’t that be Potty Training Week or Month.
Happy birthday to Superman, who first appeared this day in 1938. He was faster than a speeding bullet. Faster than turtles engaging in a race for Turtle Race Day.
Today Is Potty Training Day. I dare you to let your toddler “run free.” Dare, as in it’s also I Dare You Day.
Other birthdays for today are Andy Griffith (1926), Morgan Freeman (1937), Alanis Morisette (1974), and Marilyn Monroe(1926).
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.