May 22
Instrument Day
I believe 100 percent
in the power
and importance
of music.
~ James Taylor
On this day in 1891 the first patent for a bike was granted for what was then called a “swift walker.” Don’t you just love that name?
Coincidentally, the Wright brothers were granted their patent for their flying machine, on this same day in 1906. Funny that 2 modes of travel share this date.
Today is also the anniversary of the first episode of Mister Roger’s Neighborhood. This day in 1963 a wonderful man began making wonderful television for children. As a little girl I knew, knew for sure, that I loved Mr. Rogers and that he loved me. I still believe it. I’m glad my kids had him to watch. If I’m ever lucky enough to be a grandma, my grandbabies will watch him on tape/disk/whatever the format of the day might be.
It’s also Wig Out Day. Hmmm, how does one celebrate that? Suggestions?
It’s also Don’t Get Sunburned Day. Do you know what the 2 very best sunscreens are? Shade and clothing to cover yourself.
Happy birthday Harvey Milk (1930), Naomi Campbell (1970), and Sir Laurence Olivier (1907). A statue of Harvey watched over us when we tied the knot at the City Hall. I made this little video of the snaps from that day and set it to one of my favorite happy songs!
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.
Plus, as is often the case, the Music Smiley you get in the Smiley-a-Day emailer and on the monthly calendar are different from what you see here.