June 27
Canoe Day
Sometimes it’s good to put
the paddle down
and just let the canoe glide.
~ Simon Mainwaring
I had seen today’s Smiley, formed by the yellow canoe, for years, but always out of the corner of my eye as I sped past on the freeway. One day I had the good fortune to be the passenger in a car stuck at a dead stop in a traffic jam. Lucky me! I finally got to take the photo!
It’s also Sunglasses Day over on a calendar of a month full of Smiley Silliness. They have a holiday for everything! But then again, Sunglasses Day falling on the same day as Canoe Day, makes a lot of sense.
It’s also the birthday of Happy Birthday. You read that right. On this day in 1859 the song Happy Birthday to You was copyrighted. Crazy to think it was around for 100 years before I was. And I thought I was old. BTW, I’ve always got a birthday cake up my sleeve if you ever need to send one to a friend.
A couple of people born this day, and even older than I (but yet still younger than the birthday song), are Helen Keller (1881), Bob Keeshan, a.k.a. Captain Kangaroo (1927), and Vera Wong (1949).
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.