Lists of 5 5 things I never want my kitchen to run out of: hot sauce, milk, peanut butter, sourdough bread and salt. 5 Article of clothes I will always own: flip flops, cashmere sweater, thick socks, Oakland A’s T-shirt and Jack Purcell tennis shoes. 5 Activities I could never give up: reading, photography, bathing, […]
The Smiley Lady Blog
People were forever asking me how I got to be so darned happy. So I started speaking
to school groups and blogging about choosing to view life more optimistically.
Smile. Be happy!
Ruth Kaiser
I sure hope you’ll click to SHARE!!
Ruth, the Smiley Lady, interviewed on Miss Molly Bell’s Creative Habit Podcast. Listen for FREE on iTunes (I kind of feel a little like a rock star being on iTunes–as close as I’ll ever get LOL).
Last night crawling into bed I thought just how much I love that specific moment when we go from our vertical day selves to our horizontal night selves. I was brushing my teeth thinking, “Can’t wait. Can’t wait.” Ahh, isn’t it wonderful how appreciation increases enjoyment. I enjoyed the anticipation, the event and now the […]
The amazing website posted my TED Talk on their site. I am deeply honored!

Right now I am wanting more than anything to zone out. But, there’s quite a bit of work I should try to get to today, because tomorrow is going to be very full. But, truth be told, all I want to do is hang in the hammock, with a book and any and all available […]

The Dalai Lama says: If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. So how about practicing self compassion? Self compassion is not to be confused with self-indulgence. It’s about not belittling yourself for making a mistake or falling behind. It’s about recognizing that life has ups and […]
Sometimes hanging out with cats helps to remind me that everybody is just doing the best that they can. People, like cats, are just busy being themselves 24/7; rarely does that include thinking about irritating you. So here’s a suggestion, don’t get irritated. Don’t get irritated by the little things people do that seem like […]
Wait? Wait a minute. I think good things come to those who hope, who dream, who strive, who risk, who never give up. Wait? Waiting is the antithesis of making things happen. And, I do believe that we can make things happen in our lives. And, if we can make things happen, we can make […]
I recently went a few verbal rounds with someone who asserted that my sunny outlook, my being decidedly optimistic (as in I decide to be optimistic) meant that the happiness I experience was artificial, synthetic, not to be valued. His assertion was that true happiness was that great feeling that sneaks up on you when […]
Yeah, baby. I wonder about a lot of stuff. Here’s some good fortune for curious people like me: Curated websites (Funny. Just yesterday I was saying how I loved Spell Check and today Spell Check is telling me curated isn’t a word. Spell Check, come on. Catch up. It’s not 2010 anymore.). So, as I […]