Wandering without purpose is really great. But, there ought to be a nicer way to describe killing time, other than “killing time.” I’m not talking about trying to make downtime sound like it was spent in a worthy manner. Nope, nothing highfalutin*. Not exercising, or getting fresh air or enjoying nature, or even meditating. Just […]
The Smiley Lady Blog
People were forever asking me how I got to be so darned happy. So I started speaking
to school groups and blogging about choosing to view life more optimistically.
Smile. Be happy!
Ruth Kaiser
I sure hope you’ll click to SHARE!!
Possibility. It’s a cool place to dwell, full of hope and imaginings about the future. Dwell there and you think things are possible. I guess that’s a duh kind of thing to say. Duh or not, it’s what I’ve been thinking about these last couple days. I’m always trying to think of new ways to […]
http://creativehabitpodcast.com/2011/08/episode-5/ This is a great, kookie, weekly podcast. Tonight one of their topics was The Spontaneous Smiley Project. It’s at about minute 8.
http://www.ted.com/profiles/bio/id/925137 and also: http://www.tedxsv.org/?p=1006 Center for Social Innovation, Stanford: http://csi.gsb.stanford.edu/tedxsv-2011-ruth-kasier http://lamorinda.patch.com/articles/orinda-woman-sees-smiling-faces-everywhere http://events.wtkr.com/Spontaneous_Smiley_for_OPERATION_SMILE/173097320.html
Here I am giving my Smiley TED Talk. As one attendee said: It’s refreshing to see someone who is endearingly nervous.” I was thankful that the TED curator understood that “ideas worth sharing” can come from nervous novices as well as big shots.

I was motivated to write yesterday’s blog post about this Talk to Strangers way of life by something that happened at the Ball Park. Then I wrote yesterday’s blog and completely forgot this anecdote. After an Oakland A’s ball game, walking toward the BART station from the stadium is an exercise in close proximity to […]

These wise words were spoken by my dear daughter Hillary, then 3 and a half, in retort to being scolded by a woman in the park for making conversation. “Little girl, you must never talk to strangers.” “But, talking to strangers is my hobby.” Just so you know, and so I’m not nominated for some […]
Walking along trail, see an incredible, huge lizard. It’s doing that thing where they stay perfectly still so they blend in and you don’t notice them. So I do same figuring if I stand there long enough the lizard will move. After 10 minutes, impatience get the better of me and I creep closer. Oh, […]
I had a great moment of Duh-scovery today…what it was about is of no consequence. Coming up with the term to describe catching onto something that is super obvious but had previously eluded you: Moment of Duh-scovery=priceless. Question: When will that new thing you’re inventing be ready for the public? Answer: Inventionally.