August 7
Lighthouse Day
What did the ocean
say to the lighthouse?
Nothing. It just waved.
(Yep, I resort to dumb jokes
when I can’t find a quote.
If you’re a dumb joke lover,
be sure to tune in of 8/16
when we celebrate Bad Joke Day.)
I also am loving it that on this Lighthouse Day, it is also Sea Serpent Day and Beach Party Day!
The Smiley in the photo on the calendar of a month full of Smiley Silliness for today marking Beach Party Day was captured on our honeymoon. Check it out. I saw those lips the first day and knew if I was patient, at some point shells or rocks would roll into place. It was a lovely reminder to pay attention to my surroundings. It was also a nice lesson in patience–not one of my strong suits.
It’s Toss a Penny, Make a Wish Day. I am a big lover of the lucky penny. I toss pennies wherever I go so that others can stumble upon them and have a moment of joy. Yep, I believe a penny can still do it. It’s not really about the monetary value, rather the sense of luck and the finding of a treasure. And that my friends, is what Spontaneous Smiley is all about.
On this day in 1906 Flexi Flyer* debuted. Whenever I hear 1906 I think of the big earthquake in San Francisco. Imagine how fun it would be to ride a Flexi Flyer in S.F.!! This day 1906 was just 4 months after the big quake. San Franciscans were probably busy with other things. BUT, I would say, always remember to have a bit of fun every day, even on those days when life is a mess.
* Don’t know what a Flexi Fyler is. Ask an old person and be reminded that they (ok, we) know a lot.
Today we say happy birthday to Wayne Knight (1955), better known as good old Newman on the TV show Seinfeld. Also celebrating Carl Switzer (Alfalfa in Our Gang, 1959), and Garrison Keilor (1942). Table for 4 please! I’d love to share a dinner with all three.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.