September 15
Garlic Day
If you really want
to make a friend,
go to someone’s house
and eat with him…
the people who give you their food
give you their heart.
~ Cesar Chavez
Handy that it’s Garlic Day today as it also happens to be Linguine Day. Nothing quite so simple, yet so lovely, as linguine with just a bit of olive oil and garlic.
Additionally, it’s Farm Animal Awareness Day. If only people were aware! Such terrible cruelty. The day has to come when people rise up and insist that the cruelty comes to an end. Think about the goats who gave you the goat cheese you put on your linguine.
Additionally, it’s Thank You Day. Just wanted to be the first to thank you for all of that lovely singing you’ll be doing today for Sing it Out Day. I’m a big believer in saying thanks, singing thanks, and being thankful often! Check out the Music Smiley over on our September calendar of a month full of Smiley Silliness. And just for grins, here’s another Music Smiley for you.

Clarinet Smiley
Today we send birthday wishes to Prince Harry (1984), Tommy Lee Jones (1946), and Agatha Christie (1890).
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.