October 3
Balloon Day
Q: What do you say
to a balloon when it pops?
A: May you rest in pieces.
Today’s Smiley was pointed out to me by a woman who’d just quizzed me about why in the world was I taking pictures of a car bumper. After explaining about Spontaneous Smiley and showing her Tail Light Smiley, she went on her way only to come running back. “Quick,” she said. “I found one!” Funny, it’ll be Balloon Day again on October 6.
It’s also Name Your Car Day. I know a lot of people who do this. Do you? I’ve tried but it just feels too contrived. Check out the Car Smiley I posted on our monthly calendar.
Happy birthday wishes to fellow musicians Chubby Checkers (1941) and Gwen Stefani (1969).
The creator of Mad Magazine, Harvey Kurtzman, was also born this day in 1923. Mad Magazine debuted in 1952. Twenty years later they published my personal favorite issue. Take a peak at a little of my Smiley collection, including a Mad Magazine from 1972.
For Intergenerational Day, I share this photo of me with my daughter and my mom. We got together for lunch and we all showed up wearing polka dots. Coincidence or genetics?