November 18
Great American
Smoke Out Day
It’s never too late –
in fiction or in life –
to revise.
~ Nancy Thayer
Today is also the birthday of my youngest kiddo. Good golly, I love my kids. Being a mom is the greatest! But only if it is something you want to do. If it isn’t, then don’t. It’s way too hard and all incompassing to do if you think it’s not your thing. Celebrating the birth moment of each of my babies is something I do everyday.
Additionally, it’s Mickey Mouse’s Birthday. I sure hope I don’t get in trouble mentioning MM in my video for the California Academy of Sciences all about the Science Behind Smiling. I hear the folks behind the mouse can be a tad fussy.
Over on a month full of Smiley Silliness it’s Rock on with Your Bad Self Day. Good advice, every day! BTW, rocks are super great sources of Spontaneous Smileys! One of my favorite Rock Smileys is there to the right. Sleepy, but still smiling. I have hundreds of Rock Smileys. There crazy easy to find. BTW, more Rock Smileys tomorrow.
It’s also Use Less Stuff Day. We all could have simpler lives if we just had less stuff and quest less for more stuff.
It’s the birthday of Elmer’s Glue. On the human front, we have birthdays for Damon Wayans (1982), Owen Wilson (1968), Mike Epps (1970), Alan Shepard (1923), and of course my great kid.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.