November 19
World Toilet
Let me be the first to say,
I am thankful for the toilet.
My reasons:
Number 1 and number 2.
All kidding aside,
I am thankful to live
where access to a toilet is a given
and without hardship!
~ Ruth Kaiser
The Smiley Lady
Today is the birthday of Rocky and Bullwinkle (debuted this day in 1959). I’d never realized just how very long ago that show started. I was just a bitty baby when it debuted, but remember fondly watching The Rocky and Bullwinkle as a kid growing up. that was back in the old days when cartoons were only shown on Saturday morning My pals the Rubinoos sing about Saturday Mornings Cartoons.
Here’s another video for you. This one in honor of Toilet Week. Is it a real product? Is it a gag? You tell me. I’m afraid to Google it. You know how once you Google something, then everywhere you surf on the web, related ads follow you. No thank you for bathroom odor product ads.
Today take a moment to imagine another cartoon figure from my youth, Charlie Brown sweating bullets as he gives the Little Red Haired Girl a birthday card. She debuted on this day, too (1961). Additional birthdays celebrated today are for Meg Ryan (1961), Larry King (1933), Jodie Foster (1962), and Calvin Klein (1942). No to sound too catty, but the 2 who have not overindulged in cosmetic surgery look way better! Meow!
BTW, the Smileys on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see in the Daily Smiley. Today on a month full of Smiley Silliness it’s Everybody Has a Bad Day Every Now and Then. So very true. Never forget your life gets defined by how you define the situation you find yourself in!!
“A problem seems small,
when you cut it some slack
You can choose to forgive,
And how you react.
Optimists train themselves to recognize the blues and thus are prepared to deal with the blues. Optimists evaluate the source of the trouble and then work to alleviate it. This is very different from depression, when the blues come without an event causing them. It takes work, a lot of hard, hard work. I have only good opinions of those who suffer from depression. It’s never their choice. They can’t just “cheer up.” They need our love and support, without judgement!
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.
Plus, as is often the case, the Toilet Smiley you get in the Smiley-a-Day emailer is different from what you see here.