November 22
Go For a Ride Day
Low self-esteem
is like driving through life
with your hand-break on.
~ Maxwell Maltz
Today is also Slumber Party Night. I’m guessing we all have happy memories (and a few sad ones) from going on sleep overs at friends’ houses. I remember Friday nights at my BFF Gwen’s house watching Love American Style, thinking we were so grown up.
Happy Nut Day! Specifically Cashew Nuts, but I figure all nuts count. They’re so filled with healthful goodness! Eat more nuts. Be nuttier! Since we sometimes feel like a nut, I’m all for being nuttier in both diet and behavior.
You don’t get much nuttier than comedian Rodney Dangerfield, born this day in 1921. I saw him once live and laughed so hard my face hurt. Really.
On this day, as we near the end of Adopt a Senior Pet Month, it is Humane Society Day. I am a big believer in Adopt-Don’t Shop! There are Animal Rescue centers all over filled with loving animals just waiting to be loved. Please choose adoption over giving money to the oft inhumane animal breeding business of pet stores.
It’s also Start Your Own Country Day. How fun would that be? You could be the Queen or the King!!!
And for me, this is a very, very favorite day. Thirty Three years ago today, I took a pregnancy test and learned I was going to be a mommy for the first time. The excitement, love and wonderful feelings that Hillary has brought into my life is immeasurable. I love my baby girl!
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.
Plus, as is often the case, the Smiley you get in the Smiley-a-Day emailer is different from what you see here. Go look at Matthew’s Bike Seat Smiley. Little Matthew is all grown up now, but when he was little he’d ride his bike to Tot Drop so proudly.