January 2
Dance in a
Fountain Day
A kind heart is a fountain of gladness,
making everything in its vicinity
freshen with smiles.
~ Washington Irving
BTW, you see a different Fountain Smiley
In today’s Smiley-a-Day email!
You get a different Fountain Smiley over on the website in the daily Smiley emailer.
Another great celebration for January is National Be On Purpose Month. I am so, so a believer of living life on purpose. Act with intention. Life is never just what rolls at you (or over you). Life is how you prepare for and react to those things. Never be a victim of circumstances; instead actively decide how you will proceed.
Happy Birthday , Cuba Gooding, Jr. If we ever meet, I’m going to tell him how much I like his smile. Also celebrating today are Taye Diggs (1971) and Isaac Asimov (1920).
Over on a month full of Smiley Silliness it’s Happy New Year for Cats Day. What could possibly be behind this one? Why would cats need to celebrate a day late? Go figure!
Today is also Sci Fi Day. Not my cup of tea, but certainly one in which many people find great joy. I’ll not cast aspersions. I’ve never understood people who find it necessary to tell you the thing you are doing passionately is stupid and or beneath them. I had someone say mocking things when I proclaimed that one thing I was gong to do during my vacation was a jigsaw puzzle. As I’m dumping the box of pieces out on the dining table, I thought of the put down. I, like you, try to let negative comments be like water off a duck’s back. But the truth is those negative barbs do stick with a person.
We all need to try, in life, to edit ourselves, so that everything that crosses my mind doesn’t cross my lips. In this new year I will continue to work to be the person who does not say things which make another person feel diminished.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.