January 6
Shortbread Day
A balanced diet
is a cookie
in each hand.
~ Unknown
Over on a month full of Smiley Silliness it’s Have an Epiphany Day. Who doesn’t love having an epiphany?! So much fun to realize something you had never grocked before. But, I’m not sure it’s something one can do on purpose. I think of epiphanies as sneaking up on a person.
Here’s one I had sometime in my 20s. I realized this fact in a flash and could not believe I’d lived my whole life not knowing this. Maybe some of you don’t know it now. So maybe this can be your epiphany for the day (no need to thank me–I’m here for you.): Donald Duck actually quacks words, has dialog. My whole life I’d thought he was just making a noisy racket.
Happy Birthday Loretta Young (1913) and Rowan Atkinson (1955). I love what each of you produce! If you don’t know what they produce, ask an old person. Old people are so handy, they know so much. Remember that! Also celebrating today is Julie Chen (1970).
And wait just a minute. Yesterday was Bean Day. Shouldn’t that have been today for birthday boy Rowan’s character Mr. Bean?!
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.