March 10
Carpet Layers Day
is the true
magic carpet.
~ Norman Vincent Peale
I found today’s Carpet Smiley when I was in Virginia at an Operation Smile training before my first trip as a volunteer.
It’s also International Day of Awesomeness!! I knew there was a reason I was feeling so pumped up! Go out there and be awesome. Then do so again tomorrow!
It’s day 5 of Words Matter Week. That is so very, very true. Chose your words wisely so what you say matches what you intend. There are so many subtle nuances in language that we need to be careful. I have found that the act of posting, make that posting carefully, to social media has helped us all to develop our inner editor. I think this is one of the good things about social media.
Do you love your middle name? It’s Middle Name Pride Day. I never understood people who didn’t like their name. Seems silly. Love yourself, even your goofy middle name.
Today we say happy birthday to Harriet Tubman. Wise, brave, passionate. There’s also Carrie Underwood (1983) and Jasmine Guy (1962). No contest, if I could dine with one of these people, I’d definitely choose Harriet! Sorry Carrie and Jasmine, but you’d pick Harriet too.
Over on the Month of Smiley Silliness today we mark Johnny Appleseed Day featuring a nice green apple that appears in A SMILEY BOOK OF COLORS.
BTW, the Smileys on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see in the Daily Smiley.