March 8
Blueberry Day
Good thoughts
bear good fruit,
bad thoughts
bear bad fruit.
~ James Allen.
Since it is also Proof Reading Day, I’m being extra careful to double check that I’ve got things right be for hitting send or post! Yikes, the pressure!
Over on a Month of Smiley Silliness it’s Be Thankful for Your Cool Kid Day. I am. Every single day!
It’s also Acacias Are Blooming Day But with the wacky weather we’ve had this year, my acacias are already blooming for the year. All that amazing yellow!
Today is also International Women’s Day. All you have to do to celebrate is head over to Facebook and see the interesting posts that people share commemorating great women! It pleases me each year to see how many people post about women from history, on this day.
Today we say happy birthday to Mickey Dolenz (1945), the drummer for the Monkees. This band was huge when I was in grade school. I’d go over to my friend Betsy’s house and we’d dance to their albums. Hey Mickey, how about putting your candles on a blueberry muffin for Blueberry Day?