March 16
Sports Car Day
My mind is always racing,
and always going
and always working,
and it’s a gift and a curse.
~ Puff Daddy
Puff? Who names their kid Puff? I named a cat Puff once. But I was 5 and she was, well, a cat. I know Puff isn’t his real name, but it makes me laugh to think of his parents putting Puff on his birth certificate. BTW, about that whole mind racing thing, Sean Combs isn’t the only one.
Today to counter yesterday‘s Everything You Think is Wrong Day, we celebrate Everything You Think is Right Day. That’s more like it!
It’s also Make a Fish Face Day! Well, that’d work any day, yes? Why not? Making a fish face is bound to make you smile. Seems appropriate somehow that it’s also Lip Appreciation Day. Really. No kidding.
Today we say happy birthday to Flavor Flav (1959). I’ve only seen him interviewed once, but he cracked me up. They showed footage of some reality show he was on and he was great. I bet he’s one guy who dreads the time change! That dude has a ton of watches to re-set to spring forward!
Over on a month full of Smiley Silliness you get a different Sports Car Smiley and yet another in the Smiley-a-Day emailer.