March 23
Appreciation Day
There is no psychiatrist
in the world
like a puppy licking your face.
~ Bernard Williams
I couldn’t find a good quote for the good old pickle. I guess I should have guessed that one. So I opted for a puppy quote in honor of another holiday for today: Puppy Day.
Today we say happy birthday Mo Farah (1983)–just try to catch up to Mo to give him a birthday hug…nobody catches up to Mo! Also celebrating is Chaka Khan (1953). Another person with a birthday today is Perez Hilton (1978)–not quite sure why he gets so much buzz. He was known for outing LGBT celebrities. I’m certainly glad he’s apologized, but I know there are better people than Perez on whom to shine the light of fame. Of these three, I’d pick Chaka to dine with. How about you?
And since it is Chip and Dip Day, I’ll take Chaka out to my favorite Mexican restaurant, the Juan and only, Juanderful Juan’s in Berkeley. They have the best chips and salsa! I Jaun to go there tonight…I Juander if Dave the hubby might agree.
BTW, Whenever I travel I take a Juan‘s bumpersticker with me and snap a shot of myself with the bumpersticker in unusual places. This picture is from the Operating Room in Paraguay. I go once or twice a year as a volunteer on their medical missions. Can you part with $5 or $10? You’ll never miss it and every dollar helps!

Jeans Smiley
This is as close as I get to a smiling butt photo!
Over on a Month of Smiley Silliness it’s also Kick Butt Day for which, thankfully, I have no smiling butt photo. How about a butt pocket…I stopped this woman on the streets of Austin, Texas, to ask if I could photographer her… well, her butt. The boisterous mom of the young woman said in a deep southern accent, “Nobody ever wants to take a picture of my butt, not even when it looked as good as hers!” I’ll never forget this encounter with strangers.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.
Today you get a different Pickle Smiley in the daily emailer.